The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck. It produces hormones that control the speed of your metabolism – the system that helps the body use energy. Thyroid disorders can slow down or rev up metabolism by disrupting the production of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones manage essential functions in our body like metabolizing food, regulating our sleep pattern, mood swings, depression and anxiety.
Depending on how much or how little hormone your thyroid makes, you may often feel restless or tired, or you may lose or gain weight. Women are more likely than men to have thyroid diseases, especially right after pregnancy and after menopause. The causes for this can be varied, ranging from nutrient deficiency or hormonal imbalances to an excess of toxins or food allergies.
Some of the symptoms related to thyroid are fatigue, weakness, weight gain, poor appetite, feeling cold, hair loss, itchy and dry skin, muscle aches and cramps, etc. When there is a change in our thyroid, it can cause us to develop hypo or hyperthyroidism.
In order to treat thyroid, you need to make some changes in your day-to-day habits.
1. Regulating Iodine Levels
Iodine is an essential mineral for thyroid hormone production, and a lot of us don’t get enough of it. You may also want to get your iodine levels tested to see where you stand. You can take an iodine supplement or eat iodized salt, and eat iodine-rich food like potatoes, plums, seaweed, shrimp, oysters, yogurt and cheese.
2. Gluten-Free Diet
Diet is one of the biggest factors in managing hypothyroidism. Gluten-sensitive people are significantly more likely to develop thyroid issues, possibly because gluten damages your gut lining, interfering with your hormones and causing inflammation that reaches your thyroid. Gluten is also processed with bromide—which displaces iodine, a key mineral needed to balance your thyroid.
3. Eliminating Heavy Metals from Your Body
Getting rid of heavy metals that are present in your cells and tissues, will reduce thyroid problems. According to a research, cilantro can perform this detox. Cilantro is a commonly used spice around the world. It can be consumed in several ways, and even though eating its leaves is the usual way, or making cilantro tea works as well. You should include cilantro in your daily food.
Recipe for making cilantro tea:
4. Decreasing BPA Exposure
This toxic substance causes our hormones to become unbalanced, and can cause thyroid disorders. Therefore, avoid canned foods and plastic containers that are not indicated to be free of BPA.
5. Limit Your Sugar Intake
Too much sugar is bad for you in general, but it’s especially harmful if you have a thyroid imbalance. One of your thyroid gland’s main jobs is to regulate your carbohydrate metabolism. If you aren’t making enough thyroid hormones, your body struggles to balance your blood sugar, which can lead to fatigue, weight gain, and metabolic issues.
6. Avoiding Fluorides
Excessive fluoride in our body can cause several health problems, one of them being a thyroid dysfunction. According to a research, fluoride causes iodine deficiency, which plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy thyroid.
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